Phyllis Ballard (378-3192)
Altar Servers
Barry and Tess Nelson, (803-7089)
Blanket Ministry
Phyllis Ballard (378-3192)
Dancers, Etc.
Lorene Shough (803-9423), Doris Sims (417-0092)
Divine Mercy Cenacle
Liz Nelson (378-6836), Phyllis Ballard (234-4321)
Eucharistic Ministers
David Gilcreest (458-7135), Luis & Justa Valles (378-1837)
Heavenly Treasures Gift Shop
Hospital Eucharistic Ministers
Judy Tritz (803-1728) and Betsy Hartwigsen (249-3887)
Mark Lobner (458-5609), Monica McCall (559-639-3704)
Linen Workers
Laura Gilcreest (458-7135)
Moms of Mercy (MOM) Prayer Group
Money Counters
Bess Bannister (378-6737)
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Strong Catholic Families
Amy Kjolsrud (459-2188,
You Are Not Alone Ministry (YANA)
Suzanne DeRosier (458-6903)