Rectory Project

News: The rectory blessing will be on Saturday, February 14. Will gather at the parish parking lot and process up the new road to the rectory for the blessing at 10:00 a.m. A handicapped shuttle will be available since there is no parking at the rectory during the blessing. Thank you for your support.

My dear friends,

As you can see from the photos, the construction of the new rectory is well underway thanks to your most generous gifts. Most of the funding for the building is in place, but we hope to be able to add a block wall around the back yard and install a solar panel array to help defray the future expenses of this all-electric house. There is still time and opportunity to contribute. If you would like to make a donation, please drop by or call the parish office (520-378-2720) or take one of the envelopes at the door of the church.

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Roman Catholic Community