
Fransalian Missionaries Inc is a Non-Profit Religious Organization. Our school project is currently in progress and is in need of your support.  It is a Primary Catholic School in Zambia. The school has 9 class rooms, including 1 computer room and 1 staff room. Currently the required amount to complete the remaining work of the school building is $45,000. However,  we urgently need $30,000 to complete 6 class rooms for immediate use next year.  In addition, we are also looking for assistance to furnish the same school. The cost for the furniture for each class room is estimated to be $3000 (40 chairs and desks in each class room, 1 white board, teacher’s table – desk and cupboard). We humbly request you kindly help us to complete this project with your generous donation.

You may make your donation / gift to Our Lady of the Mountains.  Memo: Zambia Mission.
For more information or to send your donation, please contact: Fr. Amal Sebastiar MSFS: amalanmsfs@gmail.com or amalzambiamsfs2023@gmail.com (520) 528-3058 Thank you!

Support our pilgrims!

Lucia Kjolsrud and Sophia Ramsey have been chosen by our Diocese to attend the Pilgrimage of Hope in Rome for the Jubilee year.  They, along with other teens from around the world, will spend a week in Italy growing in faith and learning to become beacons of hope.

Please support our youth in this incredible journey. In order to make this pilgrimage, they need to earn $8,000.00 for expenses.

They will be speaking this weekend at the masses, and will be in the courtyard following. Please prayerfully consider supporting them.

Sunday Bulletin

We have been emailing our Sunday Bulletin to all parishioners for whom we have an address. If you would like to be added to our list, please call the parish office or send an email to dparsons@diocesetucson.org

Holy Land Pilgrimage     

Due to the developments in the Holy Land, our pilgrimage has been postponed. We will have more detailed information soon.
— Fr. Mike Bucciarelli

St. Vincent de Paul~OLM Conference:

  • We offer person-to-person support to those in need of emergency assistance for those residing in zip codes 85650 & 85615.
  • Home Visits: First (1st) and Third (3rd) Week, scheduled at your convenience. Call 520-378-2720, x7133 to set up an appointment.
  • Office Assistance: Second (2nd) and Fourth (4th) Weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 – 11:00.
  • Food: Rita’s Pantry is open the third (3rd) Saturday of the month from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors


Parish Online Giving

If you haven’t ever given online, now is a good time to start.  With Online giving, there is no touching of checks or money which helps keep both you and our money counters safe from virus transmission. Online giving is helpful for both the parish, since it saves our money counter volunteers time and saves us the expense of printing and mailing envelopes, as well as for you, the donor, since it saves the time used for weekly check writing. If you would like to sign up, please click on the “Online Giving” icon on the left side of this page.

Pray for Vocations

We need to pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life, so Bishop Weisenburger has asked the parishioners of the Diocese to specifically pray the rosary for Vocations. This is a critical issue for the future of our Diocese.  If you would like to pray along with our Bishop, you can go to this link: Let us pray the Rosary with our Bishop for more Vocations.

Diocese of Tucson News: Do you miss our diocese’s former print newspaper “The Outlook?”

Did you know that we now have an online version called: “The New Outlook”? Sign up for it today and it will automatically come into your email every week. It is entirely free, and it informs our readers about local, national, and international Catholic issues and events. To sign up for the The New Outlook”

May God bless you abundantly!

+Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger

Noticias de la Diócesis de Tucson: ¿Extraña nuestro periódico anterior impreso? “The Outlook” ¿Sabía que ahora tenemos una versión en línea llamada “The New Outlook?”

Regístrese hoy y automáticamente le llegará cada semana a su correo electrónico.

Es gratis, e informa a nuestros lectores sobre temas y acontecimientos católicos locales, nacionales e internacionales. Para registrarse en “The New Outlook”

¡Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente!

+Obispo Edward J. Weisenburger

CTSO Tax Credit

Don’t forget to make your donation to CTSO so that you can receive the state tax credit. I make mine the maximum amount I can give. This is a win-win situations since we get our money back as state tax credits and our students get scholarships.  Please remember to check the box for All Saints Catholic School. See the link on the side of the page to make your donation.

All Saints Catholic School

Call the school office for more information: 520-378-7012.

God’s blessings to all,
Fr. Francisco Maldonado



1425 E. Yaqui Street
Sierra Vista, AZ  85650
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Celebration of the Mass

Saturday 5:00PM Anticipated Sunday Mass
Sunday 7:30AM







M, T, Th, F







Roman Catholic Community